Betty's Vintage Tearoom
Soups of the week.
Our soups this week are..
Tomato and Red Pepper &
Carrot and Parsnip

Hot Pudding of the week.
Cornflake Tart served with Custard or Cream.

Cake of the week.
Coffee Cake

Knit and Natter Group
Join us every Tuesday for our Knit and Natter group from 10am-12.00pm. We are a friendly group who get together to knit, crochet and chat. If you would like to join us you will be made very welcome. £2 per person which includes a drink. 29.07.24

Charity Book Stall.
Our book case is full of books which are for sale at £1.00 each.
All monies raised goes to 2 local charities which are very close to our hearts at Bettys.

Forth coming specials.
Coming Up …….
Bettys Brunch week
February 17th
Served 10.00am –
Monday _ Saturday

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